I am currently a social psychology researcher with the University of Adelaide with a particular passion on gender scholarship. I am also a part-time science educator with the Faculty of Sciences. I also used to work as an environmental scientist in the Philippines, with work primarily in marine ecology monitoring and environmental impact assessments. I volunteer excessively and love spending time with friends and family. I believe that sharing sea experiences is the first step to caring for our ocean planet.
I joined RLS as a new volunteer in training. After learning about the RLS program, its mission, its structure and the quality of survey data, I was certain of the value of their work in global marine biodiversity – I knew I wanted to be involved if possible!
The highlight for me was this January’s RLS shakedown dive in South Australia. Having only moved to Australia in 2013, I felt like I had a lot of catching up to do in terms of species knowledge and temperate diving experience. However, all the practice and study before the Shakedown paid off as I felt more confident about my ID skills and knowledge!
I have been diving in the Philippines since 2004 and then continued on in Australia from 2013. There are so many beautiful places in South Australia, but my favourite will have to be the Edithburgh Jetty, where co-volunteer Chelsea Haebich took me to!
I’ve always liked seeing sea stars, but my favourite species to spot currently is the Western Blue Devil (Paraplesiops meleagris). Having only first seen one this year, I am currently now on the lookout quite a bit for them.