RLS Spain

By Reef Life Survey
July 29, 2015
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The Spanish RLS team has really started to take off, following two more training courses adding divers from the south and north of mainland Spain to those previously trained in the Canary Islands. Mikel Beccero, with the capable and enthusiastic assistance of José Fernandez, had quietly been busy preparing for a Spanish RLS blitz, and invited Rick over in June to train teams in RLS courses in Blanes and Vigo. Close to ten new RLS divers were trained over the two weeks, and numerous surveys undertaken at 16 sites in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. Mikel and José did an amazing job in selecting divers, and the skills and enthusiasm levels were incredibly high. We look forward to more updates from the RLS Spain team as they continue to survey the Spanish coastline in an effort to generate a national baseline marine biodiversity dataset.

Check out the Bites Lab of Mikel Becerro website and Facebook page

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