recent posts

RLS divers not only undertake monitoring of their local dive sites, but regularly gather in teams to survey targeted priority sites for long-term monitoring, or participate in survey expeditions to remote & international locations. The latest news from activities from the RLS network is posted here. 
Geographe Commonwealth Marine Reserve WA

RLS recently surveyed Cod Grounds Commonwealth Marine Reserve in Western Australia, with the team recording 76 species of fish on method 1 and 35 species of invertebrates and cryptic fishes on method 2.

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Sydney Harbour Surveys

Despite the rain, we completed 46 surveys across 26 sites, from Shellharbour to Bouddi, in Sydney Harbour NSW. We went back to our old favourites, like Shelly Beach and Bare Island, and added repeat surveys to new sites which we intend to maintain, like Boat Harbour and Cruwee Cove.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Yanir Seroussi

Yanir Seroussi: volunteer RLS diver, data scientist and software engineer extraordinaire.

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Southern Coral Sea

The plan was to sail from Gladstone out to the southern Coral Sea. We had a narrow weather window so, after a quick stop at Lady Musgrave to get me up to speed with the RLS protocol, we sailed 36 hours straight to Cato Island. Our crew of three included my partner Bruce, Graham Edgar, and myself. It was the first time we had been to the southern Coral Sea...

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Encounter Marine Park (SA)

A recent RLS survey trip to South Australia included training new divers and assisting with Marine Park monitoring of the area. The group of 12 divers teamed up with South Australia Marine Parks and the Department of Environment Water and Natural Resources to complete 28 surveys over three days.

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