Pseudanthias dispar

Fairy Basslet | Longfin Wreckfish | Orange Anthias | Peach Anthias | Peach Fairy Basslet | Redfin Anthias
Pseudanthias dispar
Pseudanthias dispar, male, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Photo: Rick Stuart-Smith
Pseudanthias dispar
Pseudanthias dispar, female, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Photo: Rick Stuart-Smith
Pseudanthias dispar
Pseudanthias dispar, Bali, Indonesia, Photo: Ian Shaw
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Pseudanthias dispar
Pseudanthias dispar
Pseudanthias dispar


Tropical Indo-Pacific


Narrow purple-edged orange stripe from snout through eye to pectoral fin. Male with long flat, deep red dorsal fin and bright blue/purple trim on all fins. Like all basslets, females most easily identified by presence of more brightly coloured males. Found at the upper edge of steep outer reef slopes and drop offs. Length to 10 cm.


Max Size: 10 cm

Sea Temperature Range: 26.8-31.7°C

Depth: 1-18m

Habitat Generalization Index: 2.75

Also referred to as the SGI (Species Generalisation Index), this describes the habitat niche breadth of the species. Species with values less than 15 are found in a relatively narrow range of reef habitat types (specialists), while those over 25 may be found on most hard substrates within their range (generalists). Learn more here.

Conservation and Rarity

IUCN Status: Not Evaluated

Occurrence: Infrequent (3.8% of sites)

Occurrence describes how often the species is found on surveys within its distribution. It is calculated as the % of reef sites surveyed by RLS divers across all the ecoregions in which the species has been observed

Abundance: Large aggregations (119 per transect)

Abundance is calculated as the average number of individuals recorded per RLS transect, where present.

Edit by: Joe Shields